Alicia :Committing suicide doesn't make this better. It's a foolish way to solve any problems that you're now facing. Your family loves you and don't certainly don't wish to see you doing so. Pls be strong an
2017-05-25 02:19
Syazwan Aide:No, if you love you family, please don't kill yourself, cause it make so much problem, don't give up & be strong.
2017-05-19 19:00
Sushi:No, suicide does not solving anything. Just find the right action for solving the problem. Face the problem not running from it. You need to be strong enough to face the problem by yourself and also w
2017-05-17 09:48
Sakura87:No,kill urself doesnt solve anything its shows how coward you are to face the reality. Try to meet a professional counselor and discuss.
2017-05-15 09:29
alejandro90ad45:Think twice, dont give up. Suicide not the solution