Why are my points being deducted?

Viewfruit surveys require participants to provide real and objective feedback so that they can provide better products and services in the future. If we find that you provided false information, inconsistent and invalid answers at the time of the audit, we will not issue corresponding rewards and points will be deducted. If the circumstances are serious, your participation authority will be canceled or your account will be deleted.
For the questionnaire that not approved and was found to be invalid. The reason for deducting the reward points is as follows:
(1) The answering time is too short: For example, the average length of the questionnaire is 20 minutes, and the questionnaire whose answer time is less than 10 minutes will be judged invalid by the system.
(2) Inconsistent filling: There are several types of questions in the questionnaire: single selection, multiple selection, form scoring, video, sound, and images.
A. Linear answer selection: Select all the answers in the same row or the same column option. (For example, all stores scored 9 points)
B. Inconsistency in answering questions: For example, in the previous question, the answer was to use a X product, but in the latter question, that particular product was not selected.
C. Failed to pass the verification question: Some questionnaire designers will insert a designated option title in the survey. For example, the title requires the member to select the “B” option. If the member does not read the title carefully and selects other options, the system will determine that the questionnaire is invalid.
D. When required to enter your personal opinion, input the invalid information: For example, enter “123456” or “ABC” meaningless content in the “Your Feedback” field.
(3) Other malicious cheating activities identified by system technology.